Monday, May 24, 2010


Either we participate or we observe.
Either we talk or listen.
When we are talking we ar not listening.So to listen to others we necessatily have to be silent.
When I have to watch cricket I do not play it myself.
To be aware is to remain calm and quiet.
We are awareness but we do not realise it. Because we are not silent , we are engaged by the body mind intellect equipment.
To realise THAT we have to silence this body mind equipment.
Once read at a jain temple. KUM KHAO , GUM KHAO , KUM BOLO . ( EAT LESS , ACCEPT , SPEAK LESS )
Eat less to keep this body healthy .
Awareness is constant . it does not change . we try to change the things only when we do not accept . hence to accept is to reach the changeless , which is awareness.
We all have different thoughts , different opinions ,but the silence beneath is the same. Like wise the awareness within us is the same.To realise the awareness is to realise that oneness.
Only way to realise the awareness is to silence the body ( tounge ) , silence the mind by accepting all and rejecting none.

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