Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Affirmation : I AM thankful for the limitless, overflowing Source of my abundance.

A Drop of water sees the Sea and thinks of the above affirmation.

It desires to become bigger.

Soon a CUP full of water flows towards the drop of water.

The Drop becomes very happy upon gaining the size.

But this happiness does not last long as it sees the Sea again.

It remembers the affirmation taught to it.

Again it desires to become big.

The water from the Sea flows towards it again.

It grows bigger in size. Becomes the size of the GLASS.

Soon after another desire, another affirmation, size increases.

Becomes a BUCKET.

This goes on and on.

It is never satisfied.

The happiness it gets is short timed.

It gets tired.

Instead of desiring to get bigger had it got merged with the SEA.

It would have become the ABUNDANCE itself.

Now choice is mine to look at the abundance or to merge with it.